Radio E-volution

From the blog

Young and old had fun “Together on the square” in the village of Mindya

The first edition of the “Together on the Square” initiative took place on June 12 in the village of Mindya. The event organized by the Association
“Dream for romance, flowers and space”, Association “World of the Future” and National Chitalishte “Development – 1893”, Mindya village with the financial support of Vivacom Regional Grant, started before noon with cleaning of the area “Cherkovishteto”. In the ennobled space, an assembly and installation of a recreation area followed – wooden tables and benches, which will delight the residents and guests of the village in the future.

On the square, adults and children embarked on exciting games on environmental issues under the leadership of Margarita Simeonova. An hour later, the free bazaar “The CLOSET” was opened for the

lovers of the advantageous finds, where everyone can “part” with their unnecessary belongings and/or like something for free.

The talent scene “Mindya sings” gathered talented young people from the region, who competed for a place in the top three. A jury of three members awarded the first place to the graduates of DES “Rumina” led by Rumyana Nacheva.

The second position was taken by the vocal group at the National Chitalishte “Development – 1893”, village of Mindya. Victoria Simeonova, who studies pop and jazz singing at Sofia University “Emilian Stanev”, came third. The concert

program continued with the performances of the groups “Oliver Twisted” from Gabrovo and “Daa Seed” from Sofia. The evening ended with a very good mood.



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