Radio E-volution

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What is sport? Is it important for health? Yoga, Dance, Snowboarding – Weekly show on Radio E-volution

A healthy nation is always a wealthy nation. Therefore, it is necessary to put emphasis on sports.

One can think of a healthy mind only in a healthy body. Both physical and mental well being are the prerequisites of great achievements in man’s life.

History shows that young men who excelled in the field in sports could prove their worth in the battlefield as valiant soldiers in later life and get the laurels of victory.

What is sports? Sports is a category that covers numerous different activities. Many sports involve high degrees of physical activity (for instance, running or rugby) whilst others focus more on strategy and mental exertion (for example, chess is considered to be a sport).

Some types of sport involve playing in a team (such as football) whilst others do not (for example, running). Sports can be played for fun, or (as Olympic athletes do) at a professional level.

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