It is difficult to describe the Groovin’ Pipers band. Their sound is both ancient and modern, ambient and energetic, melancholic and funky… During their concerts, old people are doing traditional dances and youngsters are headbanging. This diversity comes from a strong technicity, a wide artistic sense and a big load of musical references. We met the three musicians of the band before their concert at Melon venue, in Veliko Tarnovo. They shared we us their vision of music, folklore and of their new album that should come out this year. Their EP “Kehaya” is already available to purchase (or on Bandcamp and Spotify) and illustrate well the creation process and the range of styles that we may expect from their next release.
The video material and the interview is part of the E-volution Media project implemented by BRCK organization and is co-funded by the European Solidarity Corps program of the EU.
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