Radio E-volution

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Planting the trees For The Future

Plan the trees for the new generation – that was the main message of Language high school last week. Last days  were recognized by the UN as Forest and Natural Resources Week. Numerous environmental events have been held in different parts of the world, Sliven was also special  in this respect and the  tree planting event was organized  in the district of Klutsokhor. The event was organized by  Zahari Stoyanov Language High School. School students, youth house volunteers, Sliven municipality staff and volunteers from Sliven protected areas planted 50 trees, as a symbol of 50 school anniversary. 

Diana Todorova is an English teacher in Language high school, she was one of the participants of the event. – “this is the 50th anniversary of the language high school. The idea was to plan 50 trees. This is for the future generation, we will have got forest and we will have got the place where we can see the fruit of our labor. It’s really important to take care of nature,  it’s important to have green spaces. we  fortunately, have got more green spaces in our area, we are environmental friendly town , but really vital to everybody experiences as pleasure to planting the trees and  leaving the legacy for the future generation”- said Diana Todorva.

In the event also participated in the E-volution media team. Every planted tree in Sliven is a small part of the new future environment. The school administration,  volunteers and local people are planning more and more environmental events during the spring.

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