Radio E-volution

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Grenoble will be the first city in Europe without street advertising

The eastern French city of Grenoble will be the first in Europe to ban its streets advertising. According to the Mayor Eric Piola, who is from Greens party, all the billboards and advertising areas will be replaced with 50 new trees and notice boards for cultural and other events.
From January to April will be removed 326 billboards, and no new contracts for advertising in the streets and open public places will be made. The main contracts were with the advertising giant JC Decaux.
After New Year to local organizations for cultural and social activities will be offered free access to the new boards that will be smaller in size and can be read by both drivers and pedestrians.
It is Still not clear how much the municipality will lose that way. From the mayor’s office claim that it was about € 600,000, but recently fell to 150 000.
You will also see how long will last the initiative – in 2007 the Brazilian city of São Paulo tried to stop advertising in the streets, but after two years the ban was lifted. In France with no street advertising are few villages, but for the first time in a big city such a step is made.
Deputy Mayor Lucille Lyoryo quoted by “Euronews” says: “The business model of street advertising is exhausted. Advertisers want to pass to digital screens, but we do not want to go in that direction. We do not want our children to be bombarded with animated ads on TV screens in the streets. ”
Last year the magazine. “Forbes” announced Grenoble for the best place to be a student in France and put it on the 5th place in the world ranking of the most innovative cities.

The picture is taken from here

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