Radio E-volution

From the blog

Diaries Of Generation- Tanya Solonetska

Have you ever wondered how many unusual, strange and different sounds hear throughout the day? Have you ever been blind and tried to recognize people’s voices by their timbre, tone, and rhythm?

Have you ever tried,  only listening with your ear and mind to news that happens very far away from unknown persons?

Sometimes people’s voices say more about them than words. Often, hearing these sounds is like discovering new horizons in our life. Maybe that is a reason why we decided to create our new rubric.

Every week, different people from different countries, from different continents share their audio diaries.

Try to see what you hear

our next respondent is Tanya  Solonetska from Ukraine. Right now Tanya lives in Poland and does her European solidarity corps exchange project in Gdynia. Tanya is from Kyiv, she moved to Poland after Russia invaded Ukraine. Her life is full of challenges but she knows how to be brave. We are here for everyone whose voice and thoughts would like to talk to the universe

Enjoy to listening

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And be aware of what is happening

European Union Co-funded by the
European Solidarity Corps
of the European Union

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