Radio E-volution


Elections 2021: third time the charm

In 2021, Bulgarians voted to elect a new government and a president. The outcome of the presidential elections was easy to foresee. When it comes to the parliamentary ones, the situation was quite the opposite. Elections for MPs were held three times this year, and each time the leading party[…]

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Protests in Bulgaria

The 2020 Bulgarian protests are series of ongoing demonstrations that are being held in Bulgaria, mainly in the capital Sofia, as well as cities with large Bulgarian diaspore. Today we will speak about what the young people think about the protests, what changed with this demonstrations in the country and[…]

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Interview with Local Students

The education in Bulgaria follows the traditional European system, and school education is compulsory for children from five to sixteen years of age. Internationally recognized diploma Bulgaria is a member of the European Union so all certificates and diplomas issued in the country are recognized internationally. They have private and[…]

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In Western Christianity, the feast commemorates principally the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child, and thus Jesus’ physical manifestation to the Gentiles. In Sliven the celebration will be solemnly celebrated with events organized by the Municipality of Sliven, the Sliven Metropolitanate, Military Formation 22220 and the Association “St.[…]

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