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Alternative Education Methods: The Story of Ellie and Merlin

The education system can sometimes fall short in revealing the potential of every student, leading some to risk failure and getting lost in the system. Students who find themselves in this situation often turn to alternative education methods in order to develop themselves.

The documentary film “La Mauvaise Herbe”

tells the story of an alternative education approach. In the film, two students named Ellie and Merlin begin teaching themselves due to a lack of support in traditional schools, and later move on to attend an alternative school.

Ellie and Merlin felt that they couldn’t develop themselves fully within the traditional school system, so they began to develop their own learning methods. This allowed them to learn at their own pace without being held back by the school system. Later, they began attending a school called “Alter Ecole”, which offers customized education based on students’ interests and talents, as well as a lifestyle that is in harmony with nature.

At Alter Ecole, Ellie and Merlin met a community that helped them adopt a sustainable lifestyle that respects nature and alternative sources of energy, and encouraged their interest in these subjects.



“Nell Lenoir

The story of Ellie and Merlin highlights the benefits of alternative education methods. When an environment is created where students can discover their own learning methods, their chances of success increase. Alternative schools like Alter Ecole provide personalized education based on students’ interests and talents, acknowledging that every student has unique potential.

In conclusion, the story of Ellie and Merlin shows that traditional school systems cannot meet the needs of every student, and alternative education methods should be considered as viable options.



After the screening we interviewed Nell Lenoir

Melih izci

Video and Pictures :Ozan Barış Can and Tamta khimshiashvili

rapporteur : Melih izci

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